Primary Medical Care for Utica-New Hartford-Rome Area


Professional & Caring physicians

Abin Pachikara & Jane Samson are trusted doctors in Utica - New Hartford - Rome area. With over 25 years of experience, Pachikara Primary Care is helping its patients with a variety of medical treatments and ailments from a simple flu shot to diabetes care and everything in between. They provide medical care for children, adults and seniors. If it is time for a checkup, call (315) 797-2314 today to schedule an appointment.

When you step into the doctor’s office, our friendly staff will make you feel comfortable and welcome while you wait for your appointment. We understand that you might not be at your best when visiting us, which is why we make it our priority to delivering personalized care to our patients.

Medical Specialties

Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of both short-term and chronic adult diseases like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and more.

Family Medicine

Family medicine is comprehensive medical care for children, adults and seniors. Family physicians focus on the whole person rather than a specific organ system.



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